Selected Journal Articles (PubMed) (Google Scholar)
- Vivar-Lazo M, Fetsch CR. (2024) Neural basis of concurrent deliberation toward a choice and degree of confidence. bioRxiv 2024.08.06.606833; link
- Jerjian SJ, Harsch DR, Fetsch CR. (2023) Self-motion perception and sequential decision-making: where are we heading? Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 2023 Sep 25;378(1886):20220333. full text
- Fetsch CR, Odean NN, Jeurissen D, El-Shamayleh Y, Horwitz GD, Shadlen MN. (2018) Focal optogenetic suppression in macaque area MT biases direction discrimination and decision confidence, but only transiently. eLife 2018;7:e36523. full text
- Zylberberg A, Fetsch CR, and Shadlen MN. (2016) The influence of evidence volatility on choice, reaction time and confidence in a perceptual decision. eLife 2016;5:e17688. full text
- Fetsch CR. (2016) The importance of task design and behavioral control for understanding the neural basis of cognitive functions. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 37: 16-22. journal ; full text
- Fetsch CR, Kiani R, and Shadlen MN. (2015) Predicting the accuracy of a decision: A neural mechanism of confidence. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 79: 185-97. journal ; full text
- Fetsch CR, Kiani R, Newsome WT, and Shadlen MN. (2014) Effects of cortical microstimulation on confidence in a perceptual decision. Neuron 83(4): 797-804. journal ; full text
- Fetsch CR, DeAngelis GC, and Angelaki DE. (2013) Bridging the gap between theories of sensory cue integration and the physiology of multisensory neurons. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 14(1): 429-42. journal ; full text
- Fetsch CR, Pouget A, DeAngelis GC, and Angelaki DE. (2011) Neural correlates of reliability-based cue weighting during multisensory integration. Nature Neuroscience 15(1): 146-54. journal ; full text
- Fetsch CR, DeAngelis GC, and Angelaki DE. (2010) Visual-vestibular cue integration for heading perception: applications of optimal cue integration theory. European Journal of Neuroscience 31(10): 1721-9. journal ; full text
- Gu Y, Fetsch CR, Gu Y, Adeyemo B, Angelaki DE, and DeAngelis GC. (2010) Decoding of MSTd population activity accounts for variations in the precision of heading perception. Neuron 66(4): 596-609. journal ; full text
- Fetsch CR, Turner AH, DeAngelis GC, and Angelaki DE. (2009) Dynamic re-weighting of visual and vestibular cues during self-motion perception. Journal of Neuroscience 29: 15601-12. journal ; full text